Anybody else having trouble?


cook and bottle washer
Last day or so the forum has been waaaay sloooow and acting goofy for me. Sometimes I click to read a thread and it goes to the BC home page. Logged out and it works just fine.
I do not visit as much as I used too but in the last couple of days I have not seen any problems.
Always fast and no miss direction.
i log in and then i type up a post. when i hit "submit reply" a line comes up and tells me i'm not logged in. so i log in again and then i can submit the post. this happens every time. anything you can do?

Thanks in advance
I had trouble logging on this morning, but it's working ok right now.

this is my backup computer... something is wrong with the way cookies are handeled. please fix the site.
Time to buy a new computer.
I just got my new one going two weeks ago.Windows 7 , 64 bit.
I'm on and off your site several times a day.Absolutely no delays,I'd guess less than one second response time.
No problems for me. At the expense of stating the obvious to someone of your computer experience, have you tried clearing your browser's cash? ...even to the point of deleting all temp files including cookies?

geb - Your problem is with the "cookie" deal. If you have selected "Remember me" and ensured your browser security settings will accept cookies, I don't know any other fix beyond that. I do believe there is a difference in the way this newer version handles cookies and I'm further convinced that it's more strict than before. Thing is, some folks have problems and some don't.

The problems I had simply vanished before I found why - but like Arnold S. said - "they'll be back".
thanks wilbur. i'll check it out. even if i can't cure the problem i still can get there in a round about way.