I have two sets of Anshutz iron sight's. The first set came from my Anshutz free rifle from years ago that had a mod. 54 action. The second set, which I just got is from a Anshutz mod. 64 heavy barrel .22 rimfire. What is the mod. No. of these sights'. The first is all steel, the second is some aluminum alloy. Setting side by side these sights' look identicle, but they are not as the alloy sight will not accept the Anshutz front glare shield. Although I was happy to find you can adjust the alloy sight for wear. I also have a Anshutz match air rifle. It is marked Anshutz, and location made, but no mod. no. It is a recoiless side cocker in .177. It has what I would call a beer barrel grasping piece on the cocking lever. Where can I get rule's for air rifle bench rest? Can anyone post photo's of what is being used these days? Once the equipment is in hand, air rifle look's like a much cheaper game to play.