Anschutz 64 Questions



I have a 64 MPR that had horribley misalligned screw holes in the receiver. I am considering using the actual dovetail mount rail milled in the reciever instead of installing bases. I have three questions:

1. Are they type of rings that connect to this dovetail adequate in terms of stability and recoil resistance to provide a stable mount suitable for .22 benchrest?

2. Does anyone know if the integral rail is an 11 degree or 13 degree rail.

3. Does anyone who has used this style of ring have a specific brand recommendation.
Ok, don't sweat the screw holes. The receiver has an 11mm groove and there are several quality scope rings that you can purchase. Some that come to mind are: BKL, Warne, and uhhh...dang, I forgot some of the others. Anyway, what you need to be watchful for is the fact that the groove on many MPR's has a slight radius on the top, and you'll need to sure the rings won't touch the top of the groove. The two that I mentioned will clear the radius just fine. I've used both and they work just fine, and both are have quality workmanship. Just do a search for BKL scope rings, or Warne .22 scope rings. Although there are other brands on the market, you won't be sorry with either purchase.

Ken THANK YOU A MILLION. I have tried Burris, Warne, and Leupold but none of them make an 11mm ring that will accomodate a 30mm tube. However the BKL rings you recommended do. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your advice. There will be a set on the way to me tomorrow and at long last I will shoot my rifle this weekend. Thanks again.
Well, your most welcome. You truly won't be sorry about your purchase. Happy Shooting!

BKL makes both Double & Single strap rings (2 screws vrs 4 screws)
Get the Single they work a lot better & no need to lap if mounted properly.
All my rifles have BKL's that I bought 5 years ago and they are by far the best bang for the buck.
I have not bought any since the company changed hands so I can not attest to the current quality.