Which is the best action to build a benchrest gun upon, an Anschutz 54 action or a Suhl 150 or 150-1 (I do not know the difference between the 150 and the 150-1).
I looked for a long time and decided to buy a used 40X custom already built. I dont' regret it at all. Building...You'll wind up spending just as much or more in the long run. If you can find a good already built custom for 1500 or less, you wont do to bad even if you have to re-barrel. So it depends what your final goal is. I recently bought an Anschutz 54 for the reason parts can easily be found for them and since the Suhl's are getting harder to find people are asking more for them. You can likely buy a good Anschutz for less and still be able to get parts if you need them. More options with the 54.
Not to long ago..there was a good looking 40X on GB with a T-36 for 1400! Had a good Remington BR stock already....Be patient and do your homework. Lots to learn....40X's are great!