Anschutz 1710 misfires



I own an Ansschutz 1710 DBH Masrer Grade As I had some misfireds I changed the bolt springs..but unfortunately noting change..even with different cartriges brands..any suggestion to solve this problem?
Very unlikely it is the firing pin unless someone played with it.
If the 1710 is like the 5418 action with a match trigger then A likely cause is the Trigger location. It can be moved fore and aft in the slotted mounting holes.
If your bolt has a pin that sticks out the back when cocked then there is an easy check.
Slowly close your bolt and see if the pin moves forward when you close it. If it does then you are losing firing pin travel.
Conversely you don't want the pin to extend on close because then you are cocking on the seer - if that makes sense.

Over 1/2 the Anschutz that people have told me they have trigger or light hit problems have turned out to be trigger location.
Any questions just send me an email.
Yes, Doug you are right..when I close the bolt I see the pin moves foreward for just a this point how could I change trigger location to avoid this movement of the firing pin?
Thank's in advance for your help...
I was able to do what you suggested..(to move trigger location) .. now I solved the problem .. I thank you so much ..
Now make sure you are not cocking on the Seer! :(
i.e. You do not want the pin to extend on bolt closure.
To get it just right usually takes a lot of trial & error since we are talking only 1/100 of an inch movement.
A lot of the time I give up on perfect & accept a little loss of firing pin travel rather than cocking on the firing pin!

A properly engineered & set up SAP ignition system will outperform a PAS system all day :D
What makes the Anschutz special besides a great 3 lever trigger is the 90deg cocking piece to go along with its SAP - :D - ;)
Make Sense?
Hi! Dug..I am just back from the shooting place and seem to me that all work well..Sorry but my bad english..but I cannot understad what you try to tell me about adjust position of the trigger..