Anschutz 1710 Accuracy in competition



Do you think that to feed the magazine with 5 cartridges can affect accuracy than put cartridges by hand one by one direct on the barrel?

When using any rimfire magazine to feed your gun you are literally dragging one bullet across the next with the rim of the upper shell being dragged across the lead of the lower shell. Plus, if you look at the way any rimfire magazine is designed you will notice how they all situate the shells in a tip-up, rim down attitude making it so as the top shell is taken off the magazine it is not only drags across the lower one, but is also entering the chamber area out of alignment with the bore. Now, if you do the same study of how a bullet will enter the chamber when being hand fed you will see how the bullet is sitting flat and square to the chamber doing which does two things: first, there is no drag against the lead, and second, all bullets will be entering the chamber square to the bore.

After you buy your gun, try both methods and compare, especially once you become more proficient with your shooting and can really notice the points you'll be dropping when using the magazine to feed your shells vs. hand feeding them.

Good luck, and have fun.

Dave Shattuck
Thank you Dave for your interesting answer..I suspect that but you confirm what I thought..
Best regards,
Do you think that to feed the magazine with 5 cartridges can affect accuracy than put cartridges by hand one by one direct on the barrel?

I bought a little red plastic single shot magazine slot adapter for my 1710 from Champions' Shooter Supply a few months ago. It is a big help. I am sure you would like it. Other suppliers probably have this "single shot adapter" but Champions is a supplier of Anschutz rifles and they had the idem in stock

These adapters also work in the Cooper .22 rimfires.
They use the same clip to!! I hope your shoots real well cause I got 2 Coopers, a TRP-3 and a Jackson Squirrel rifle? We have tried every kind of ammo made that is Eley, RWS and Lapua, these 2 rifles shoots in the .300's to .400's. I rebarrel the TRP and it's doing a lot better now!! The barrels on these 2 rifle have a taper going towards the muzzle, bigger at the muzzle and smaller at the chamber, slugged them out and found it!!
I may be wrong here as I haven't reviewed any of the Rule Books in more than a few years, but I know at least for the USBR IR50/50 the rules used to clearly state that in the Sporter Class a Repeater had to be capable of holding at least 2 rounds in the magazine at the time of competition making those single shot adaptors illegal for use during competition. But, as I said, it's been a while since I've read the rules, and rules do have a tendency to change from time to time, so you should check with the latest version of whichever discipline you are planning to shoot in before going too far, or you could get caught up in a technicality. Of course, even if your particular discipline doesn't allow them, you can always still use one during practice.

Dave Shattuck
It's still the same rules Dave!!

I may be wrong here as I haven't reviewed any of the Rule Books in more than a few years, but I know at least for the USBR IR50/50 the rules used to clearly state that in the Sporter Class a Repeater had to be capable of holding at least 2 rounds in the magazine at the time of competition making those single shot adaptors illegal for use during competition. But, as I said, it's been a while since I've read the rules, and rules do have a tendency to change from time to time, so you should check with the latest version of whichever discipline you are planning to shoot in before going too far, or you could get caught up in a technicality. Of course, even if your particular discipline doesn't allow them, you can always still use one during practice.

Dave Shattuck
The rules are still the same Dave for the sporters, removal of a clip and 2 shots or more!!
Capable of holding

Is different than a rule written to day the clip must be in the rifle. So for instance in IBS hunter gun rules, it's capable of holding but doesn't require the shooter to actuall have a clip in the gun or rounds in the clip. The real focus of the IBS rule is to make sure the action is cut for a clip and is not a solid bottom action. Is the USBR rule the same?
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Clip must be inserted, clip must be able to hold 2 rounds, single loading permissible.
Exactly what is insane about it? It is the toughest and for quite a few, the favorite in the 3-gun discipline.


Is a repeater not a repeater when it is fed like a single shot? I mean a clip capable of holding rounds can be close by on the table.

I do play by the rules, however. I just made the comment for something for all to think about.

Concho Bill

It is a repeater and would have to demostrate the ability to feed rounds if challenged. If you shoot trap with an over/under and only load one barrel is it still an over/under?

Ken Henderson

Is a repeater not a repeater when it is fed like a single shot? I mean a clip capable of holding rounds can be close by on the table.

I do play by the rules, however. I just made the comment for something for all to think about.

Concho Bill

Is it a semi auto with one round in the mag? Here, we shoot 3-gun, there, you use semantics.......We're good.

It is a repeater and would have to demostrate the ability to feed rounds if challenged. If you shoot trap with an over/under and only load one barrel is it still an over/under?

Ken Henderson
Then you agree with my thinking, maybe.
