Anschutz 1407



I want to start rimfire BR this year. I have a 1407 in excellent shape with a Canjar trigger. If I put a Weaver 36 T on it, would it be a competitive rifle? Would I need to rebarrel or are the factory barrels usable?
In theory, it's possible but the odds are no. On the other hand, it doesn't cost you a thing to try it and learn a bit about the game while you're at it. If it is not competitive, you can upgrade later.
Go to a couple of matches and shoot what you got. You may or may not be competitive. By all means talk to the other shooters, look at their equipment, ask questions, they will help you. It will save you lots of $$ in the long run if you buy right the first time. Newbies have a tendency to jump in buying before they know what they actually need. Then they get to buy again. Good luck. Put a local in your heading, there may be someone close to mentor you.
