Another Departure


Davy Bright, who was one of the most amiable guys I knew, passed away on Saturday April 30, 2022.
Davy was the one guy I always enjoying seeing at a shoot. Either Davy of I were always the first ones at the range, so we had time to sit and talk until things picked up.
He was the kind of guy who kept his nose out of other people’s business and wasn't very loose with advice. He and I shared many a laugh and played jokes on each other.
He stopped shooting over a year ago and yesterday after a shoot I was fondly thinking of him, and decided to give him a call. His wife Patsy answered, and I asked if I could speak with Davy. Her reply "not anymore he passed". I was really shocked & saddened by the news.
Lee, I’m sure you will miss setting flags.
I for one will truly miss him and his smile. GOD'S speed Davy, I will see you later my friend.............