Announcing a new Sporter Competition at Piney Hill


Piney Hill will be hosting the first Triple Deuce format Sporter Competition Sunday February 18th. This is the next day after the Inaugural Match of JMP Triple Deuce Unlimited Rimfire Series.

This match will be a Money Match. Match fee will be $60.

This Sporter Competition will utilize the IR5050 target in three 2 target segments. IR5050 rules for Sporter will be in effect.

The course of fire is as follows:

Segment 1 = 2 targets of Sporter 10 Shot

Segment 2
= 2 targets of Sporter utilizing “300 point scoring” (regular IR5050 scoring but with 11 points for touching X-dot and 12 points for covering the X-Dot.)

Segment 3 = 2 targets of regular IR5050 scoring.

The Winner of each two target segment will get a score of 1 and each successive place will receive an ascending score.

The competitor with the lowest score after 3 segments will be the Champion.

This is an Unsanctioned Match. After paying the Scorer and Piney Hill the purse will be used to create a cash payout. The amount of shooters will determine if there is a cash payout for each segment winner plus the over-all Champion or just a pay out to the Champion.

This will be a great weekend of the Triple Deuce format… come out and shoot both days!!

For more info questions you can message me here or call me at 804-337-7295.

Bruce Hornstein