Angle Tree Stone 3 gun and UL results April 25th


New member
It was the usual conditions at the range with sunny and switchy winds. No 250's of course (since Penny shot 2 last year on the same day) but it was a good time never the less. Thanks for all the shooters who showed and congrats to the winners. Here's the top three scores for each match.


Michael Gallant 245 11 FM 1
Keith Royal 244 12 1
Bob Hill 244 11 3


Keith Royal 248 17 1
Bob Hill 246 15 3
Michael Gallant 246 14 6


Michael Gallant 247 14 11
Bob Hill 245 10 1
Kevin Ryan 245 9 8

3 Gun Agg

Michael G. 738 39X
Keith R 737 38X
Bob H 735 36X
UL 1

Paul Bendix 249 14 15
Birthday Boy Ray Hill 249 13 3
Bob Hill 245 10 5

UL 2

Paul Bendix 249 13 23
Bob Hill 246 12 1
Ray Hill 247 10 19

UL 3

Bob Hill 249 10 2
Ray Hill 246 10 9
Paul Bendix 245 12 1

Ul Agg

Paul B 743 39X
Ray H 742 33X
Bob H 740 32X
Congratulations to all the winners.

Michael, you did good on Part 1 of the day, and it looks like Paul must have found some more of that pretty good ammo for Part 2.

All out of good stuff, just shooting odd boxes of Red box for the three gun.
Blue Box for UL-1 Black Box three diff lot's for UL-2, Center X for UL-3.

My Ammo $$ is spent to go to the Worlds in Brisbane Australia!! Glad pellets are cheap!

Thanks Bob & Ray for adding the 3-Gun & as always making it a fun day.
Was nice to see everyone again as well.
Thanks for the effort you and the Angle Tree crew put into making a match happen.
Always enjoy shooting with you guys.
