Angelina Rifle and Pistol Club, Lufkin, TX USBRA Results



We had a great first match of the year. The weather
was great for Feburary. We had 20 shooters who shot
41 targets. That's the most we have ever had for a
Feburary Match. Here are the results.

Plinker Class

Charlie Free 222
Richard Bumpus 204
Jay Judge 185

Ryan Huls 215

Sporter Class

Charles Bailey 227
Billy Mcguire 217
Jay Judge 215

Ryan Huls 197

Custom Class

Charles Bailey 233
Richard Bumpus 232 3-Xs
Eugene Crawford 232

Hunter Mcguire 225
Parker Ford 183
Emily Hogg 171

Unlimited Class

Eugene Crawford 236 2-Xs 14-10s
Richard Bumpus 236 2-Xs 13-10s
Carl Ferguson 234

Hunter Mcguire 228
Mitchell Hogg 219
Emily Hogg 203

High Aggreate Score

Charles Bailey 689
Richard Bumpus 668
Doyle Martin 654

Overall Highscore

Eugene Crawford 236

As you can see we had some good shooting, we had 3
new shooters: Kenneth Jeffreys who used to shoot the
matches before Amanda & I started running them. He
brought his nephew Parker Ford, who took home one of
our trophies and Charlie Free who also won a class
and the money can. Charles Bailey took all of the
rest of the money cans. Door prizes were won by Ryan,
Rusty, Richard and Emily. Charles Bailey and Hunter
McGuire won the $20.00 gift certificates to Bill's.
This was a great way to start of the new season.
Next match is March 8, remember keep it in the 10.
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Hafast......That is "SO" not

RIGHT!!!!!!! Having a rifle match in Feb.! It got all the way up to 17 deg. today with wind at about 10mph and light snow. If we are lucky, might get to shoot by March or April......:(
Tough wind conditions . . .

Yesterday would have been a bad day for a match UP here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. 100 MPH winds and blizzard conditions closed the Mackinac bridge connecting the two Peninsulas and the International Bridge connecting us to Canada.

No school today!

If the snow melts in April, we are planning our first 2008 match for April 20.


Joe (Mr. Frosty)
I thought you used to spend yor winter in Mission,tx. basking in the mexican sun.
Hi Larry:

My wife Mavis and I spent 10 warm wonderful winters down there on the Mexican border. Lots of sunny days on the rifle range, shooting with the Bentson Grove Plinker Rifle Club. The range is just two miles from the Bentson Grove Resort.

But all good things must end. Mavis passed away three years ago. I have not been down to Mission since. Still have the mobile home down there. I've rented it out to a couple from Iron Mountain, Michigan the past two years. I may go down there again: Maybe next year, if I don't sell the mobile home. I miss my shoot'n partner.

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Shooting partner

I'm sorry that I brought up old memories. I knew that you lost your shooting partner but I guess I forgot. You know those senior moments. Please forgive me for being such a dummy.
Larry Burchfield

Don't feel bad about it. You were able to bring back some good memories for me. It is common for folks to avoid talking about someone who has passed away. The truth is, those of us who have lost our best friend, WANT to talk about her, (or him), and appreciate the opportunity to do so when someone brings it up, even by accident.

So thank you, my friend, for giving me the chance to talk/write about her.

Last year some of my local shooting friends asked me if I would be willing to put on a Match in memory of her. We had a "Mavis Haller Memorial Match" last August. Largest rimfire BR Match we ever had here in this little town: 37 shooters.

The club is planning another match in her memory for next August.

Thanks or the Memories:

Joe :)