An observation on the news - re: Supreme Court Ruling


Roy Allain

I see that each time I sign on the Internet (AT&T), MSN, etc. there is absolutely NOTHING about the Supreme Court ruling yesterday. The mainstream media is playing down everything.

If the ruling had went the other way, it would be impossible to change channels without hearing & seeing the parties and parades.


Lots being said on Fox news channel about it. I think the left is probably hashing this over and working on their end run. What ever that end run maybe, it's sure to be as illogical as the others.
It's been all over cable news CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. Even had more on it last evening. I don't watch network news except for the local news so can't comment on them. Suprising to me I thought most reporting was positive. Remember the key word here is MOST.
Lots being said on Fox news channel about it. I think the left is probably hashing this over and working on their end run. What ever that end run maybe, it's sure to be as illogical as the others.

There is no monolithic "The Left" with some evil strategy we get at secret meetings! That's why you are so confused about issues! They'd throw me out just like the other side would! :D I'm part of the mythical left and I'm very happy with the SCOTUS decision. Came out just about perfect to me!

Stop imaging anti gun witches with evil intentions! There are lefist radicals that want to ban all guns, but they are very few, but very vocal! There are also conservative reactionaries that want militia meetings with Gatling Guns and ICBM's in their basements expecting the overthrow of the U.S. Tuesday. Both groups don't represent many Americans, so the sky isn't falling quite yet as much as some shooters wish it would!

Some shooters meaning in life is defending against the evil of (fill in here whatever twists your tail)! I'd rather go shooting myself!
I don't see the ruling as a great victory. The Court gutted the God given right of all men to keep and bear all types of instruments of combat.