


does anyone ever test or use eley pistol ammo in their long rifle bench guns ,are the speeds the same ,i know the shape of the bullet is different
Yes, the shape of the bullet is different. I tried Eley Pistol Standard a few years back and it actually shot pretty well. Never shot it in competition though. With the constantly rising cost of ammo it might be worth another try.
Eley Pistol Xtra

I have an especially nice lot of Eley Pistol Xtra with the EPS nose (light blue boxes). This lot shoots around 2 1/2" at 200 yards though my SAKO Range and well under 1" at 100 yards with my RF Silhouette Anschutz Sporters (1712's). I have never chrono'd it, but the box indicates Eley reported 1047 fps. It does not crack.

A lot of us bought this ammo year before last at Winnsboro, LA at the Southern National RF Silhouette Match and I have heard nothing but good things about it.
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I have not tried it in my BR 40X. However Eley Pistol shoots really, really well in my Annie 1416D. Averages in the low 2's @ 50 yards, when I do my part.

Also, I have a bit of the old Winchester Match Mark IV Pistol ammo....and it shoots 'lights out' in my Annie, as well.:)

I got that Mark IV ammo from Selby Wright.......