am I being scammed by Crosman?


oft dis'd member
I'm a Hunter Education Instructor. As such I get a "magazine" from IHEA. In this publication is an "advertorial" by Cliff Tharpe from Crosman and in this article is a picture (no mention in article) of a tiny group described as "Benjamin Marauder .25 five shots at 65yds, 30.8gr Beeman Kodiaks, 46fpe" this group looks to be under 1/4moa.

The article is a harmless fluff piece but I've got bright young minds to answer to...... my question is this; "Does Crosman/Benjamin actually have a 1/4moa air rifle that's cranking out 46ftlb????" I'm guessing it'd cost about a grand to find out but I've got kids asking me. And I ain't spending a thousand bucks on a Crosman setup to find out.

Soooo...... I ask YE

Is this advertising BS or reality?

Crosman has the Benjamin Marauder that can do 46fpe. I'm sure if you shoot enough groups at 65 yards it will eventually print one that small. I don't believe that group size is a good representation of what the gun can do typically.
It is probably their best shooting long range air gun, it doesn't have a Crosman barrel but a White mountain barrel.
"Green Mountain" barrel probably the only time I`ll ever get to correct Dan on anything AG related!!! If the gun was prepped and shot by JamieUSMC from Yellow forum those
groups could be done.He posted some amazing 100yd groups w/his .25 many think the GM=LW barrel?by the way I believe Jamie was or is a shooting
instr. in Marines.
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Whoops, that is early onset old timers setting in, I keep calling em White Mt. barrels.
I think they should change their name to White Mt. since they are located in the White mountains.
"White Mt. barrels"

That is o.k.
I just did a search for "White Mt. barrels" - Ha!

I'm a Hunter Education Instructor. As such I get a "magazine" from IHEA. In this publication is an "advertorial" by Cliff Tharpe from Crosman and in this article is a picture (no mention in article) of a tiny group described as "Benjamin Marauder .25 five shots at 65yds, 30.8gr Beeman Kodiaks, 46fpe" this group looks to be under 1/4moa.

The article is a harmless fluff piece but I've got bright young minds to answer to...... my question is this; "Does Crosman/Benjamin actually have a 1/4moa air rifle that's cranking out 46ftlb????" I'm guessing it'd cost about a grand to find out but I've got kids asking me. And I ain't spending a thousand bucks on a Crosman setup to find out.

Soooo...... I ask YE

Is this advertising BS or reality?


Hello. I just saw this. So I thought I would register and give you the straight scoop. I'm Cliff Tharp, AKA VarmintAir. I write an airgun hunting blog, and have written several hundred articles about varmint and small game hunting using airguns. Crosman saw an article that I had written on my blog, about accuracy versus power in airguns, and asked if they could use an edited version of it. I said sure. The editing amounted to taking out some info about rifles I use other than the Crosman/Benjamin brand. That is the article you saw in the IHEA Journal. My .25 Marauder is a very, very accurate rifle. If you go to my blog, you can go to the sidebar, and find a lot of stories and hunting videos of varmint hunting with a wide variety of airguns, not just the Crosman branded guns. I buy all of my guns at whatever price the dealer is asking, and I have no association at all with the Crosman company. I'm approaching the big 70, and have been hunting and shooting for over 50 years. I owned a reloading store in the San Fernando Valley for 14 years, (The Reloading Center) until I closed it and moved to Arizona 5 years ago. Here's the link to the original article about sighting in my .25 Marauder with the 30.8 grain Kodiaks. Thanks for your time.
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And THAT my friends is why Wilbur's Board is Ye Best On Ye Intrenette......Thank You Chris Tharpe. I'll go check out your blog.
