Allegheny Results 5/8/10



Well the front came thru just as the match started.High winds gave all eleven shooters a challenge.My special thanks to Lamon Loggins and Wallace Putnam
for their help in running the match.Following are the results:
Match #1
Sporter:Kent Owens 244-9x
Ernie Jenderko 244-9x
Alvis Beach 239-8x
10 1/2: Robert Varney 245-13x
Wallace Putnam 244-7x
Ernie Jenderko 243-9x
13 1/2: Lamon Loggins 249-8x
Robert varney 244-15x
Wallace Putnam 243-12x
3 Gun: Ernie Jenderko 729-28x
Lamon Loggins 727-16x
Wallace Putnam 726-26x
Match #2
Sporter:Lamon Loggins 241-8x
Kent Owens 240-6x
Ernie Jenderko 237-8x
10 1/2: Wallace Putnam 250-17x
Kent Owens 248-9x
Robert Varney 247-15x
13 1/2: Wallace Putnam 246-16x
Robert Varney 245-11x
Lamon Loggins 244-12x
3 gun: Kent Owens 732-23x
Ernie Jenderko 724-27x
Wallace Putnam 722-34x
Great job of putting on the match! Enjoyed the coffee and doughnuts. Thanks to the scorers and to Wally of doing the PC work.
Wally, that was a "World Class 250" you shot in that wind! Well done!
Hope to see all of you guys at Blue Ridge next weekend, maybe the wind will die down by then.
First Time

That was the first time I have ever had my wind direction indercator to blow over

The wind speed at the time it went down was 26 MPH

I recorded the maximum wind for the day at 33 MPH
The average minimum wind for the day was 4.2 MPH

If it happens to blow that hard at Wilkesboro next week
I hope to be better prepared
Pollen-oh yeah! My eyes are swollen today from that stuff yesterday. Has to be better next week, we will be in a hollow-or is that holler? I had fun, except for the shooting part. That wasn't a good day to try out a new rifle barrel:confused: Maybe it'll be used to wind now.
If it keeps blowing like yesterday bring some kites and we'll have a kite flying contest.