I'll be there but won't be able to make the 9:00AM match this time. I have to meet a contractor to get a job started at 9:00AM on Saturday morning. See y'all Saturday! Bill will be there too. Turn some wind on!
Well we got through the First sporter target but every target after that was hard switchy winds. Not sure if it hit 25mph but if not it was really close. Here are the results. DJ
dj, I believe the wind was blowing hard all over N.C. today!!!! Looks like you guys still got some good scores in. Congrats. to all the winners.........
We're shooting ARA Wed. at 6 o'clock, come on down if ya can..........
Good shooting DJ and Jim! I think the wind just might have reached 25-30mph. I aimed at the edge of the target paper to hit and X on bull#25 on my sporter target it the hardest wind, just to to see where it'd hit.
Dj and Danny,
Thanks for a good match, as always. Craig and William Poff were a hoot. They really helped to take some of the wind out of the wind. It was Sparter in the spring.Congratulations to all of the winners and especially you for shooting a 250 and 18x's under those conditions.