Alleghany(Sparta)Results 5/3/14



In reply to everyones phone calls. Following are the results of our 5/3/14 match at Alleghany.
Sorry for the delay.The results were submitted on 5/4/14
Ernie Jenderko 248-12
Sam Saunders 246-12
John Gatton 245-12

10 1/2
Sam Saunders 248-11
Ken Camper 247-12
Kent Owens 246-12

13 1/2
Ernie Jenderko 249-10
Sam Saunders 248-13
Ken Camper 248-10

3 gun
Sam Saunders 742-36
Ken Camper 736-31
Ernie Jenderko 736-30

Sam Saunders 246-11
Ernie Jenderko 245-9
John Orfield 244-10

10 1/2
John Orfield 249-14
Ken Camper 249-12
Allan Stigall 249-12

13 1/2
Ernie Jenderko 248-10
Barry Harris 247-15
Sam Saunders 246-10

3 gun:
Sam Saunders 739-29
Ernie Jenderko 738-30
John Orfield 737-35
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Hi All,

Results were received via snail mail on 5/20 (just after the last update) and are now up on the website for those who would like more details.

Hi All,

Results were received via snail mail on 5/20 (just after the last update) and are now up on the website for those who would like more details.


Just want to say thank you to Rachael who has been on top of inputting the scores this season. I just sent in the Wawarsing results on Sunday morning (yesterday) and they are already posted, and on a holiday weekend no less. Rachel, thanks for your efforts, they are noted and appreciated.
Alleghany 5/3/14 results

I personally took the results of the 5/3/14 match at Alleghany to the post office on 5/5/14.Hard to believe it took 15 days to reach an adjoining state.
I will talk to the post master at the Jefferson Post Office and for our state match on June 7th I'll send the results registered with a return receipt requested.
Its not the first time I've had mail problems but I will get it corrected.
Match Results - Email Them !!

Ernie & Kent,
If the Match Results had been submitted using the Email Results in the Scoring Program Rachel could have posted them in 5 seconds.
If you mailed them on a piece of paper then Rachel would have to spend 20 or 30 minutes retyping everything into a scoring program so she could create the results email for posting. If you mail your State Results who knows how long it will take to get those Results on the website??

Make Sense??
Apparently the problem is with the post office.Rachel said it took 15 days for the results to reach her.
Wallace Putnam was sending in the results electronically.
According to Wallace his scoring program no longer works!