Saturday June 23rd
Double Unlimited (Both SOTY)
Registration opens 8:00 am
Practice 9:30 to 9:45
Late comer setup from 9:45 to 9:55
Match starts 10:00 am
For shooters traveling a distance there is a nice motel in Sparta only 4 miles from the range.
(Alleghany Inn 336-372-2501)
Coffee and Donuts in the AM
Sandwiches,cold drinks and snacks for lunch.
Any questions call:
Ernie Jenderko 336-982-3930
Double Unlimited (Both SOTY)
Registration opens 8:00 am
Practice 9:30 to 9:45
Late comer setup from 9:45 to 9:55
Match starts 10:00 am
For shooters traveling a distance there is a nice motel in Sparta only 4 miles from the range.
(Alleghany Inn 336-372-2501)
Coffee and Donuts in the AM
Sandwiches,cold drinks and snacks for lunch.
Any questions call:
Ernie Jenderko 336-982-3930