Alleghany October 3rd Results


New member
It poured rain and blew all day but six hearty souls each shot two matches.
Following are the results.
Match 1
Sporter Johnny Orfield 249-18
10 1/2 Barry Harris 250-21
13 1/2 John Gatton 250-22
Match 2
Sporter Kent Owens 250-10
101/2 Jim Jones 249-16
131/2 Barry Harris 250-19
SOTY Winners
Sporter Ken Camper
101/2 Barry Harris
131/2 Johnny Orfield
3 Gun Ken Camper
Thank you for putting on the match, and for the food! Always enjoy shooting your matches! Jim Jones, thanks for your help, and all the jokes all day, I had a blast, was fun!
Congrats to all the winners, John, Barry, Johnny O., Jim, you guys are good. It was really good to see all of you guys again, enjoyed it even if it was a bit wet and windy.

Also, that wood stove was nice to take the chill off between targets:)