Al Hadfield Sweeps 3-Gun @ Pinnacle Mtn. ...but there's more.


Dave Shattuck

It was another beautiful day for shooting up on the mountain with temps running in the mid 70’s under bright and sunny skies and very manageable breezes, plus low humidity. We had 8 shooters arrive for our IR 3-Gun Match, then 4 for the Airgun match that followed.

This was our 5th and final IR monthly match of the season and we saw Al Hadfield take full command early on and stay in control throughout the day as he cleaned all 3 events as shown in the results below.

1.) AL HADFIELD 245-11x
2.) Penny Hadfield 243-15x
3.) Dave Shattuck 239-7x

4.) Paul Bendix 238-3x
5.) Michael Gallant 235-9x
6.) Roger Gagnon 229-2x
7.) Barry Wood 198-1x

10.5# CLASS
1.) AL HADFIELD 249-14x
2.) Paul Bendix 248-12x
3.) Dave Shattuck 246-11x

4.) Penny Hadfield 244-11x
5.) Michael Gallant 243-9x
6.) Roger Gagnon 243-6x
7.) Doug Shea 241-9x
8.) Barry Wood 204-3x

13.5# CLASS
1.) AL HADFIELD 249-14x
2.) Doug Shea 247-9x
3.) Paul Bendix 246-9x

4.) Penny Hadfield 245-11x
5.) Dave Shattuck 239-8x
6.) Michael Gallant 238-8x
7.) Roger Gagnon 232-4x
8.) Barry Wood 220-2x

Please note how both of Al's 10.5 and 13.5 pound Class wins were with identical scores. Not only that, but his First Miss in the 10.5# was on target #12 while in the 13.5# it was on #15. Talk about being consistent. Nice shooting Al!!!!

Our next IR match is in just 2 short weeks and will be the NEW HAMPSHIRE IR 50/50 3-GUN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP on September 11th. Look for the announcement here on Benchrest Central for more details.

Following our IR match came the last Airgun match of the season, and probably one of the finest exhibitions of shooting I have ever witnessed. Let me tell you, enough good can not be said about what Dan Brown did to us during that competition. Let’s take a minute to compare statistics: here you have 3 competitors shooting highly tuned Theoben PCP’s, each with multiple 250’s to their credit both in Rimfire and Airgun and having years of benchrest experience behind them, 2 of whom were shooting off of state-of-the-art one-piece rests while the 3rd was using a more typical 2-piece rest system and who had shot 2, yes 2 750 Aggregate scores during Indoor competition …and then there was Dan.

Dan is new to benchrest this year and was shooting off of a sandbag mounted on a riser block for a front rest and just a plain old sandbag for a rear. His gun of choice was the new FX Independence that requires him to lift the gun completely off of the rest, pump it 3 times, then resettle it back into the bags between each shot, a gun that fell apart during our last match. None of this seemed to matter much as he totally cleaned our clocks winning all 3 targets handily, plus taking the Aggregate by 12 points over the second place finisher. Granted, since our last match Dan had to totally rebuild the pump section of his gun as that was what had come apart a month ago causing me to post a warning about purchasing an FX Independence after the match due to my concern for what seemed like a poor quality of materials being used issue, but lucky for Dan he is very capable with doing whatever needs to be done to repair a gun, plus he’s extremely open minded when it comes to thinking outside of the box. Dan also happened to mention how he had replaced the standard FX smoothbore barrel with a fine shooting aftermarket barrel that he had gotten from one of the out-sources for BSA barrels. Seems to have been a good choice all the way around.

Now let’s look at just how bad it was for the rest of us while keeping in mind that we shot the AGBR target for our first target followed by 2 of the World Rimfire and Airgun Benchrest Federation targets to finish out our season.

1.) DAN BROWN 248-5x
2.) Paul Bendix 247-3x
3.) Doug Shea 245-3x

4.) Dave Shattuck 243-1x

1.) DAN BROWN 247-4x
2.) Paul Bendix 244-7x
3.) Doug Shea 242-11x

4.) Dave Shattuck 238-6x

1.) DAN BROWN 248-13x
2.) Doug Shea 245-10x
3.) Dave Shattuck 241-8x

4.) Paul Bendix 240-5x

1.) DAN the MAN BROWN 743-31x
2.) Doug Shea 732-24x
3.) Paul Bendix 731-15x

4.) Dave Shattuck 722-15x

There you have it for whatever it’s worth. And another fine seasons of monthly benchrest matches, both rimfire and airgun, has drawn to a close.

Dave Shattuck
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Dave, Penny went shopping for a bigger hat to fit my swelled head. :eek:

Thanks for another good season at Pinnacle Mountain! :)

We are all looking forward to the NH State Shoot on the 11th.

Al, I'm proud of you , my friend. Keep on showing us how it's done.
Thanks for running the matches at PM.
Will see you in two weeks for the state shoot.

Al, Great shooting!

Doug, nice come back on the 13 1/2

See everyone at the state shoot.

It is great to see fellows who have been at it since the early days of 50/50, forging on. CongratulationsAl. A special thanks to Dave for keeping the matches going
It is great to see fellows ,who have been at it since the early days of 50/50, forging on. Congratulations Al. A special thanks to Dave for keeping the matches going