Air Gauge Apparatus


New member
I'm about to start another run of air gauges. If you would like one let me know soon because the next batch may not be for a few months.
For any of you who are "thinking" about ordering one, but are still on the fence, you need to know: This is the absolute way to go when trying for total shot-to-shot consistency, bar none!!! The gauge will instantly show any discrepancies in pellet diameters, some surprisingly wider than you would expect when considering we are talking about high-end pellets, while at the same time allowing you to sort like diameters to within exceptionally tight tolerances. Combine this with a good set of electric scales, and you should be good-to-go for a long time to come.

Again, this is only my opinion, but I speak from experience as I ordered one of Dan's first, and would buy another in a heartbeat if either my kids or grandkids wanted to join in the fun.

Dave Shattuck