Adding weight to a laminated stock?


New member
I want to add weight to the butt area of my stock and use lead but where do I get it and how is it done? This is a big live varmint gun that's alot like an F-class in size. Is there a "normal" balance point for such a gun and is there something better than lead? As it is, it seems somewhat muzzle heavy and I want to correct this. Thanks alot, JohnD. Happy Memorial Day VETS.
Here's one way

Start by taping some weight on the butt and play with that to see how you like it in the bags. You could use lead shot in a plastic bag and some duct tape. Just tape it on top like saddle bags. Next drill a hole in the rear of the butt that looks like it will take the amount of shot that balances your rifle plus a bit more room. You can check this with the shot before the next step. Pour epoxy in the hole about 1/4 full, add some shot and repeat until near full. Leave the stock standing butt up until it cures. Reinstall the pad and go shooting.
Copper Pipe

I took a length of copper pi[e
Filled it with lead that I meltd.
Drilled a hole in my stock and expoy thai in.Sanded the end . and a great job.

Watch out!

Don't sand the lead! Lead dust is not a good thing to breath or be around. Get your weight below the end of the stock so you don't have to cut into the lead when you finish it off.