
Tod Soeby

New member
Ok guys....this may well be the dumbest question you ever herd. I am short a scope. I need to buy a scope. But....I realy don't know what I want yet, and I have some testing to do on the gun without a scope. I don't want to rush my purchase. Now, I could just swap out scopes that are mounted on my other guns, like I have all summer. But, as I am looking at my gun, with it's sturdy Nightforce 30 MM rings, all nicely lapped, sitting atop a set of NF 20MOA bases, all locktited up, on one side of the table, and a VERY reliable Leupold 36X scope that has been through Primere Reticle's shop, which I trust very much, on the other side. The problem, you ask....30MM on the gun, and the scope is 1" (25.4MM)

Now, for the dumb question!!!:eek: Does anyone make an adapter, or spacer kit, or ...something....that I could use so I could mount that 1" tube on a set of 30MM rings? I checked Midway, and they have an "adapter", but no explaination on what N L it is, exactly!! I checked on Sinclairs site and my friggen computer locked up on me....TWICE!!:eek: So even my computer knows it is a dumb question.

I think it would be cool....I do a bunch of testing on guns with lower power 30MM scopes....If I could only swap in the 36x Leupold for would be a lot simpler, and my testing would be more precise. I figure something about 2.3mm thick, split, just like the rings, that would fit between the scope and rings would do it. Of course, I could just buy an EXTRA March scope, and leave it laying around.....just in case I need to test Elmer Fudds 300 Weatherchester. ONLY THE BEST FOR ELMER!!!:D

Anyone ever toy with this Idea, have one of those "been there, done that, have the teeshirt" storys that they could share??? Or is this somthing that has been out for a zillion years, and I just missed it? :eek: Because...I have THAT teeshirt!!!

Thanks...and go easy on me...I'm very vulnerable right know....with the global threat of OBAMACIDE looming ever nearer!!!:eek:

badger ordnance

scope ring reducer
"reduces our 30mm rings down to 1 inch. Will work for any 30mm ring with a width of 5/8’’. (not for max-50 rings)
p/n 306-12"

bottom of page.

That's it!!!! Just like I pictured in my head!!!! And I happen to have a gift certificate for Midway laying around here some where.

Now, can you fix the pending Obamacide problems???? :eek:

Thanks a bunch
TOD :)
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BE keerful of whatcha say bout oBamaside- -
they's people out there with BIG EARS !!!

Wait a second.........Stephen B. Moore.....Are you, by chance, related to the film know....the Fahrenheit 911 guy???:D:eek::D


ahhh....I just got the pun....."big ears".......GOOD ONE!!

We, or should I say I, better stop, lest the "fourm gods" pull the plug.:eek:

BE keerful of whatcha say bout oBamaside- -
they's people out there with BIG EARS !!!

Yeah Pal, don't say this, don't do that, don't eat this, don't own guns, stop drinking and whisper so nobody can hear your thoughts and let everybody else walk all over you. Pal if you can't stand-up for your rights and thoughts go and support the communism. Rad we really need to worry about what we say???????
Are we really that paranoid????????

Well, howsabout this?

Obama rings the bell at the Pearly Gates.............St. Peter comes out and says..."what's your name and what have you done?"
Obama answers "I'm Barack Obama and I am the first black President of the United States."
St Peter says "I haven't heard about this............ when did this happen?"
Obama looks at his watch and replies........."um, about 20 minutes ago!"

So........... should I worry about the Gov't Officials showing up at my door for telling this joke?

My answer to that is this....."*#@**^%#@ them if they can't take a joke.
This is still (for now) America, where we have:
1- The Freedom of Speech
2- Freedom of the Press
3- The Freedom of Religion
4- The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
and so on and so on.

Use your rights as they were intended, as stated by our forefathers who had the guts to risk their lives in order to put them onto paper.
Use your rights as they were intended, as stated by our forefathers who had the guts to risk their lives in order to put them onto paper.

Not to mention the blood spilled, and the lives lost, to get us what we have today. Our forefathers are watching, to see if we are going to squander those hard, fought for, gains.

There are many that would like to take them away from us with the stroke of a pen.

Thanks for the positive response Longshooter!
Howsabout ALL of us Patriots standing up to be counted!
Enter a response.
OK, Just to make sure this doesn't get taken the wrong way........

Obamacide. It means, 1) Killing the newborn survivor of a botched abortion through a deliberate act of omission; and, 2) That which a nation commits upon itself by electing one who would allow such a thing.

We've probably gone way too far here on the long range forum already. I suspect that Wilbur would prefer that if this discussion is to continue it should be taken to the opt-in forum.