Actress Posts Ricin-Laced Letters


P Magoon, Livin' Free NH
When I heard that Obama and Bloomberg had received ricin-laced letters critical of anti-gun initiatives, I immediately wondered if it was someone trying to discredit the pro-gun side. I just didn't think that anyone on our side would be so stupid as to completely discredit their ideas in this manner. Now it comes out that a small-time actress from Texas posted the letters, perhaps to punish a husband that she was divorcing. I'm sure it will be months or years before we hear more about motives, if ever. Given that the national media will intentionally bury anything favorable to our side, I'm wondering if any local outlets have published anything more revealing?
When I heard that Obama and Bloomberg had received ricin-laced letters critical of anti-gun initiatives, I immediately wondered if it was someone trying to discredit the pro-gun side. I just didn't think that anyone on our side would be so stupid as to completely discredit their ideas in this manner. Now it comes out that a small-time actress from Texas posted the letters, perhaps to punish a husband that she was divorcing. I'm sure it will be months or years before we hear more about motives, if ever. Given that the national media will intentionally bury anything favorable to our side, I'm wondering if any local outlets have published anything more revealing?

Don't jump to conclusions or slip into paranoia just yet. The investigation is just getting started. Here's the lady in question and some of the known facts to date:
Who's Paranoid?

So who's paranoid, already. Let's see.... Recently, we've had a newspaper editor write an editorial calling for all NRA members to be sent to Guantanamo prison and a college professor writing a column that we should all be attacked with F-16's and Abrams tanks. When someone takes an action which smears the pro-gun crowd in the eyes of an unthinking press and public, it would be good for the back story to come out. What the lady did was explosive and callously smeared not only her husband but also gun owners everywhere. We don't need idiots trying to get an edge in a divorce proceeding also dragging millions of us through the mud. I just want the press to publicize the truth with as much fervor as they publicized the initial story when they thought the perpetrator was just some crazed gun nut.