Active Shooters in Air gun Bench rest



How many Active airgun bench rest shooters would you say are in the USA? By Active I mean how many participate in at least 2 matches a year.
My second question is how many people do you think shoot benchrest air rifles in their own back yard or range just because they like to shoot and enjoy competing against themselves and the elements?
I know that there is probably no exact answer but I would appreciate your input on your estimates.
As to active shooters, here are two websites that will help you. This will give you the first half of the 2014-2015 season. will give you the second half of the season which ends this month. These participants are members of USARB sanctioned clubs. Difficult to tell if where all the unsanctioned clubs are that are not listed here. There are certainly some as I personally know of one.

As to "backyard" shooters, impossible to tell.

Steve W.
It's really impossible to tell how many bacyard shooters there are but it doesn't matter. You're either a competitive shooter or not a competitive shooter and NOBODY can change that. If you would, please sir, tell us why you asked the questions.
It's really impossible to tell how many bacyard shooters there are but it doesn't matter. You're either a competitive shooter or not a competitive shooter and NOBODY can change that. If you would, please sir, tell us why you asked the questions.
I have a website that sells to air gun shooters and I was wondering if there were any items I might carry that would be interesting to them.
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Read the topic and thoughts of other members also and had a question which It's really impossible to tell how many bacyard shooters there are but it doesn't matter. You're either a competitive shooter or not a competitive shooter and NOBODY can change that. Have read it in above posts .gun safety mn Can some one plz elubrate it.
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