Action build



Wanting to build an action from scratch.
Does anyone have technical drawings or prints for Turbo, Hall, Win 52 that could be faxed or e-mailed to me?
And which would be the easiest to reproduce?
Really ??????????

If your gonna build it from scratch you don't need somebody else's prints. Reminds me of the 20 years I spent restoring fine antiques. Some GENIUS would call and want me to tell him on the phone (for free) how to refinish furniture. Well now................................
If your gonna build it from scratch you don't need somebody else's prints. Reminds me of the 20 years I spent restoring fine antiques. Some GENIUS would call and want me to tell him on the phone (for free) how to refinish furniture. Well now................................

That's great, let us know how many 250'S you knock out with that refinnished china cabinet next year.