Accuracy muffler/silencer



Hi all , i shoot an Anshcutz 1416 bolt action lr22 with a 14 inch barrel it is very accurate placing one on one at 20 yards in a indoor rifle range with the muzzle break fitted, the problem i have is that the rifle came with a A-Tec wave Muffler/silencer and i already had a different model Atec so i have tried both, as soon as this fitted i start to lose accuracy when they get warm up to 1/2 in any direction, to be fair to A-tec they say it is not meant for rifle ranges and quick shooting, but i dont call 1 round every 30/40 second fast with a break to refill the five magazine halfway thru a 10 shot card , can anybody point me to a muffler/silencer that would do the job, i have read a lot and they muffler / silencer improve accuracy but in this case it does not, i would b very grateful for any assistance happy days and good shooting
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Hi all , i shoot an Anshcutz 1416 bolt action lr22 with a 14 inch barrel it is very accurate placing one on one at 20 yards in a indoor rifle range with the muzzle break fitted, the problem i have is that the rifle came with a A-Tec wave Muffler/silencer and i already had a different model Atec so i have tried both, as soon as this fitted i start to lose accuracy when they get warm up to 1/2 in any direction, to be fair to A-tec they say it is not meant for rifle ranges and quick shooting, but i dont call 1 round every 30/40 second fast with a break to refill the five magazine halfway thru a 10 shot card , can anybody point me to a muffler/silencer that would do the job, i have read a lot and they muffler / silencer improve accuracy but in this case it does not, i would b very grateful for any assistance happy days and good shooting

Your problem is most likely to be with the threading on the barrel. Strip the sound moderator and look for damage to the baffles. John F.
I'm just curious

Why would you even need a muzzle brake on a .22,or even why a silencer.It's not like the rimfire report is so loud it will deafen your ears with good ear protection.Both of those 2 barrel adornment's will only lessen accuracy on a .22 IMO