ABRA Tournament San Angelo Gun Club 7/30/2017


Les Williams
Well we had a great time this past weekend visiting the fine folks at the San Angelo Gun Club.
They were hosting their annual ABRA Tournament and 12 brave souls were adventurous enough to make the trek out to the land of cacti, rattlesnakes and dust devils. The usual West Texas July heat, triple digits before the match ended, and the winds were there to greet us.
But with all that said it didn’t deter us from having a good time and enjoying each other’s company and the great match they always put on plus the Barbecue, Thank You Paul Dyer for providing the delicious smoked brisket, hell yes this is Texas what the heck did you think we’d be eating.
Onward to the match.
We had 8 unlimited shooters’, 3 factory, and 1 junior shooter whose parents drover over 3 hours to provide him the opportunity to compete in this tournament.

Unlimited Results Top 3
1st Les Williams agg 193 High card winner 1,2,4,6
2nd Allen Taylor agg 192.167 High Card 3 & 4 Note that Allen had high card of the day with a 197!
3rd Joe Chacon agg 188.5 Note we thought about DQ Joe for he kept shooting out his name, but his excuse we was using it for a sighter. Hmmmm.

Factory Class Results
1st Ronald Herring agg 177.33 and high card winner 1,2,3,4,5 Now that’s taking it to the bank there.
2nd David Strother agg 172.667 high card 6 That was mighty nice of Ron to let someone else have one.
3rd John Pormann agg 167.833

Unlimited Junior
1st Darek Biggs agg 184 Note that Darek shot very consistent all day with all his cards in the 180’s.

As for the conditions of the wind it was pretty interesting for what we started with in the beginning wasn’t what we ended with, or at least for me it wasn’t. The day started out with what I call the windshield wiper affect, 10 to 2 and I mean back and forth and it was pretty darn quick, by the last 2 targets I’d moved to shooting off the left, 10, and holding outside of the 8 ring. But if you didn’t watch those gust you’d be hitting outside of the 8 ring on the right.

Any way appreciate the fine folks there at the San Angelo Gun Club putting on the event and putting up with us Boerne Gun Club troopers and all of our clowning around.

Want to give a shout out to Bill Middleton who I hope he doesn’t mine me saying but he’s in his 80’s and going strong who made the long drive to the match and putting up with me all day.

Les Williams