ABRA TN Match Results 06.23.019


New member
ABRA TN. Club Match Results:
Looks like everyone at Oak Ridge did a lot of shooting this past weekend.
1st Place Lucas Brooks with an aggregate of 192.25 high cards on T2-194, T3-191
2nd Place Shelby Matoy with an aggregate of 191.50 high card on T4-193
3rd Place Lexi Davis with an aggregate of 190.75 high card on T193
1st Place Tom Tignor with an aggregate of 193.75 high card on T1-196, T4-194
2nd Allen Taylor with an aggregate of 193.50 high card on T2-197, T3-194
3rd Place Travis Davis aggregate of 192.25
Outlaw Heavy Barrel:
James Carroll 1st Place aggregate of 195.75 high card on T2-196,T3-194,T4-198
Matthew Tignor 2nd Place aggregate of 193.25 high card T1-196
Danny Sissom 3rd Place aggregate of 186.75
Great Shooting everyone!
