ABRA TN Match Results 06-22-06-23 2018


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ABRA Tennessee Match Results from This Weekend.

Oakridge hosted and ABRA Club match and Tournament this week.

They had a great turn out. Shooters from the other ranges.
Virginia: Randy Herrmann, Mathew Tignor , Tom Tignor
Georgia: Jim Haley, Ricky Haley, Travis Davis.
Kentucky: Art Shaffer, Steve DuVall , Tao Irtz

They also added a new shooter Morgan Mainor.

Congratulations to all the shooters, and to all of you who made the weekend a success.

Benji Matoy took 1st place in the unlimited class during the club match shooting an aggregate of 191.75

Steve DuVall took 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 190.75

Jim Haley took 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 189.25

Benji had high card on T1-189 and T4-197
Steve had high card on T2-195
Jim had high card on T3-194

Arthur Shaffer took 1st place in the factory class with an overall aggregate of 186.50

James Carroll took 2nd place with an aggregate of 181.25

Ricky Haley took 3rd place with an aggregate of 179.75

Arthur took high card T1-186, T2-185, T3-184, T4-191

Shelby Matoy took 1st place in the Jr unlimited with an aggregate of 192.50

Lexie Davis took 2nd shooting an aggregate of 166.25

Morgan Mainor took 3rd shooting an aggregate of 162.75

Shelby had high card on T1-193, T2-193, T3-193 and T4-191

Day two of the event for the Tournament:

Jim Haley took 1st place in unlimited class shooting an aggregate of 195.00

Ricky Haley took 2nd place shooting and aggregate of 193.167

Benji Matoy took 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 192.33

Jim had high card on T1-198, and T3-197
Ricky had high card on T6-198
Benji had high card on T2-196 and T5-196
Randy Herrmann had high card on T4-194

Arthur Shaffer took 1st place in the factory class shooting an aggregate of 184.00

James Carroll took 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 174.667

Danny Sissom took 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 167.50

Arthur had high card on T1-182, T2-190, T3-181, T4-186, T5-189, T6-176

Shelby Matoy took 1st place in the Jr unlimited shooting an aggregate of 189.50

Morgan Mainor took 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 167.00

Shelby had high card on T1-194, T2-178, T3-188, t4-191, T5-193 and t6-193

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