ABRA Tennessee Match Results 05 14 17


New member
We had a wonderful ABRA match today. We picked up three new shooters,

one of whose wife will be joining next month and he gave me a business

card of another person to add to my list that want to start next month.

It being mother's day hurt us. I know of a couple of others that didn't

attend as a result. We had 11 compete in the ARA match on Saturday in

14 mph wind. It was calm today for the the ARBA. I think we will have

more than a dozen competing when you come next month.

James Carroll.

We were very excited that Tennessee was able to have their match this month.
Congratulations to the Winners!

Ben Matoy 1st Place Unlimited high card 193
Shelby Matoy Jr Shooter Unlimited high card 183
Herman Matoy 1st Place Factory high card 170

Looking forward to seeing everyone at Oak Ridge next month for their club tournament.

