ABRA Tennessee Club Tournament Results 06 10 2017


New member
Congratulations to Allen Taylor ( Texas) and Wade Haley (Georgia) for their 1st Place wins in this weekends Club Tournament at Oak Ridge Sportsmens Association.

Allen Taylor took 1st place in the unlimited class shooting an agg of 194.50

Wade Haley took 1st place in the Factory class shooting an agg of 169.667

The Oak Ridge Sportsmens Association has a beautiful range. The weather was wonderful and the people were fantastic. We had competitors from Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Texas.

All I can say is that we had a blast and wanted to thank everyone for putting in the miles to come and join the fun.

Unlimited Class:
1st Place Allen Taylor High Card #1, 196 High Card #2 195, Card #3 194, Card #4 191, High Card # 5 198, and card #6 193

2nd Place Lisa Chacon Card # 1 195, Card #2 192, Card#3 193, High Card # 4 197, Card #5 193 and card# 6 193

3rd Place Ricky Haley Card #1 195, Card# 2 190, High Card #3 196, Card #4 193, Card#5 194 Card# 6 193

4th Place Joe Chacon Card#1 191, Card#2 193, Card# 3 192 Card #4 193, Card#5 193 and High Card # 6 198

5th Place James Carroll Card#1 193, Card#2 193, Card#3 195, Card#4 191, Card# 5 193 and Card# 6 192

Factory Class:
1st Place Wade Haley Card #1 153, High Card# 2 178 Card #3 172, High Card# 4 174, Card#5 167 and Card # 6 174

2nd Place Rebecca Carroll High Card# 1 177, Card#2 167, High Card# 3 174. Card# 4 167 Card#5 166 and Card# 6 162

3rd Place Larry Eubank Card#1 166, Card# 2 163, Card#3 148, Card# 4 147, High Card #5 169 and High Card# #6 178

Jr Unlimited:
Shelby Matoy Card#1 158, Card# 2 167, Card# 3 176, Card# 4 169, Card#5 170 and Card# 6 170

Congratulations to all the shooters, Thank you again for making it a great day!
