ABRA San Angelo Tx results 08.24.2019


New member
We had unusual winds today in that they were more stable for most of the match. They did decide to finally pull about a 180 degree direction from the 1st 3 targets on the final target of the day.

Kenneth Sledge brought a new rifle and shot in the Senior Light Outlaw division taking 1st place with a 133.75 agg.

Darek Biggs was the lone Junior Unlimited competitor and took 1st place shooting a 191.75 agg with a high card of 195.

Bill Middlebrook broke out his Heavy Barrel rifle again and took 1st place in Senior Heavy Outlaw with a 188.5 agg and a high target of 193. Jim Swaringin was 2nd and Tom Cunningham took the high 4th card with a 188 and 3rd place for the day.

Evelio McDonald made the trip and took 1st place in Senior Unlimited with an agg of 194.00 and took the high 1st to 3rd cards with a 197 high. Paul Dyer took the high 4th card and took home 2nd place. He was followed by Allen Taylor and Darren Krumwiede.

Ron Herring took 1st place in the Senior Factory division with a 184.75 agg and a high card of 190. He was followed by David Strother; Howard Wilson; Jerry Willeford; Carolyn Wilson; and Harry Trainer
