ABRA San Angelo Results 07.27.2019


New member
We really had an interesting day wind wise! It began from the SW and was very consistent, and then we started the match. It decided to swap SE and then back SW.
As the matches progressed, it would stay one direction for 5 minutes and then would switch back. By the time of our last match, it was pretty much SE, so much adjusting taking place throughout the match.

Jason Chegwidden was unopposed in Senior Outlaw Light & took 1st place with a 157.25 agg and a high of 176.

Darek Biggs was unopposed in Junior Unlimited as well and took 1st with a 185.5 agg and a high of 191. Darek's agg was higher than the Senior Unlimited guys once again.

Jim Swaringin took 1st place in Senior Heavy Outlaw with an agg of 183.5 and a high for the day of 185 (2 of them). Tom Cunningham was 2nd.

Allen Taylor took 1st place in Senior Unlimited with a 185.25 agg and took high 1st, 2nd & 3rd high targets. Darren Krumwiede was 2nd and had the high for the day of 192 on the 4th target. Bill Middlebrook took 3rd place.

Ron Herring took 1st place in the Senior Factory class with a 178.75 agg and the high 1st, 2nd & 4th targets for that class, the 1st being 184 which was the high for the day for that class. Harry Trainer took 2nd place and had the high 3rd target of 180. They were followed respectively by Howard Wilson; Carolyn Wilson; Jerry Willeford; and david Strother.

Next match will be August 10th.

See you at the Range,

Ron Herring
