ABRA San Angelo Results 06.23.2018


New member
I know y'all get tired of hearing it, but it is almost windy always here in good ol' West Texas & as usual, it makes for very interesting if not frustrating results. Looking at a close weather station, wind speed was 17 to 21 mph while we were shooting with gusts to 28 mph. Anyway, we are developing our kentucky windage skills on a regular basis.
We only had 1 Junior Unlimited shooter today, with Darek Biggs having a high score of 187 and an aggregate of 183.75
We had 3 Senior Unlimited Shooters with each of them getting a high target through the match. Allen Taylor had high 1st target of 187; Darren Krumwiede had high 2nd with a 188; Mark Demarest had the high 3rd with a 187; Darren had the high 4th & high of the day with a 191.
Mark Demarest took 1st place with a 187.5 agg; Darren was 2nd with a 186.5; & Allen was 3rd with a 185.75 agg. Close shooting guys!
We had 4 Senior Unlimited shooters with a new shooter Howard Wilson joining us with a very fresh rifle (bedded last night). Ron Herring took all the high targets with a 182; & 3 - 178's giving him 1st place with an agg of 179; Tom Cunningham was 2nd with a 175.25 agg & Howard Wilson broke the tie with David Strother for 3rd place as each had a 161.75 agg.
Results are attached for your viewing pleasure!
See y'all at the Range,
Ron Herring
