ABRA San Angelo Results 04.28.2018


New member
What a beautiful day, temps were great, the wind was low----maybe too low???

It's always squirrely at San Angelo & the inconsistency of the scores really reflect it.

Allen Taylor took the high target of the day on the Senior Unlimited side with a 196 on the 3rd target. He also took the high 1st & 2nd cards.

Mark Demarest took the high 4th card with a 192 while taking 2nd place overall to Allen's 1st Place overall. Darren Krumwiede was 3rd & we had our good friend Bill Middlebrook back once again who got his score up on the last target of the day.

Junior Unlimited saw Darek Biggs by his lonesome once again, but he gave the Senior Unlimited guys a run for the money and would have tied for 2nd place with those guys.

His high for the day was a 194 on the 4th card.

Senior Factory had 5 folks representing the class. Paul Dyer won the tie breaker with Ron Herring on the 1st card; Ron took the 2nd with the same score. Paul took the 3rd card & Tom Cunningham had the high for the day on the 4th card with a 184.

Overall, Paul Dyer took 1st place; Ron Herring took 2nd place; Tom Cunningham took 3rd. John Pormann pulled some fine ammo out on the 3rd target & shot a 180. Goes to prove it isn't always the fellow behind the trigger, but ammo & conditions as we competitors know.

See you at the Range,
Ron Herring
