ABRA San Angelo Results 03.30.2019


New member
NO - I DID NOT order the wind - I was accused of that, but I placed it on Mother Nature.

What a day, not just windy, but very cool - NOT - cold is the word. 2 wind gauges indicated 8 mph avg in front of the targets
with a max gust of 24 mph. One at the bench measured 8.8 mph avg. with a max gust of 25 mph.

We had 4 shooters from Boerne - Joe & Lisa Chacon; Evelio McDonald; & Allen Taylor - all who shot in the Senior Unlimited Class; So let's begin there.

Darren Krumwiede took the high 1st target with a 192 & came in 6th. Lisa Chacon was 5th; Paul Dyer was 4th ( & he cooked a great Brisket; Drumsticks; & Burnt Ends) -- Thanks Paul !
Joe Chacon took 3rd place; Allen Taylor took the high 5th & 6th targets with the 5th being the high for the day of 195.
In 1st place was Evelio McDonald who had the high 2nd, 3rd, & 4th targets and an aggregate of 191.667

Senior Outlaw Heavy had 4 competitors with a 1st time with us of Charles Hensley who had a disadvantage in that he didn't have a tuner on his Kimber 82g.
Charles came in 4th and was hitting in the 180's after his 1st 2 targets - good shooting. Bill Middlebrook was 3rd and had the high 5th target with a 193.
2nd place went to Tom Cunningham who had the high 1st & 3rd target & tied for the high for the day in his class with a 194.
1st place went to Jim Swaringin who had the high 2nd, 4th & 6th targets with a high of 194 also. He had an aggregate of 191.00

Senior Factory had 5 competitors with Harry Trainer taking 5th place; David Strother was 4th; Howard Wilson was 3rd with the 4th high target of 184.
Jerry Willeford was 2nd & gave the winner a close run all the way; he had the high 1st target with a 183.
Yours truly took 1st place with the high 2nd, 3rd; 5th & 6th targets with a high of 187 on the 5th. He had an aggregate of 182.833.

We will be hosting the ABRA Texas State Tournament to be held on 9 Nov. 2019 beginning at 10 am. We are looking forward to a great turnout & appreciate all the help we get.

Our next match will be on April 13 at 10 am - till then, be safe & we hope to see you at the Range,
Ron Herring
