ABRA San Angelo Result 05.26.2018


New member
Another beautiful west Texas Day ! 10 mph winds here mean 20+ apparently. But we had a good turnout on this Memorial Day weekend.
Graciela Collins joined us for the 1st time today and she & Darek Biggs competed in the Junior Unlimited Division. Grace had the high score on Target 1 with a 187. Darek took the next 3 with a 191; 188; & 185 respectively. Darek came in 1st place & Grace came in 2nd place.
Darren Krumwiede took the high target for the Senior Unlimited today with a 197 on his second target and it was his best ever! He took high 1st; 2nd; & 4th targets and lost a tie breaker with Allen Taylor with a 186 on the 3rd target. Darren was 1st and Allen was 2nd.
Tom Cunningham took the high 1st & 4th targets in Senior Factory. David Russell took the high target of the day with a 183 on the 2nd target. John Pormann took the high 3rd target. Ron Herring took 1st place; David Russell took 2nd; Tom Cunningham was 3rd & John Pormann was 4th.
See you at the Range,
Ron Herring
