ABRA San Angelo Match Results 06 24 2017


New member
ABRA San Angelo Match Results:
HELLO - Hope all of you are well - especially those we didn't see today. Hopefully you didn't get blown away
or suffer too much wind damage. I got a call from a competitor this morning "Ron did you know your covers and
buildings are in the road?" No - but then I knew - lol
People who shoot here know how our wind is and I think that's why so many stay away. But hey, that's part of
the challenge and we love to see you - don't stay away - maybe they'll create a separate category for those shooting
at San Angelo ?
Enough rambling- we had horrible winds from the NE - Middlebrooks wind gage showed a 21 mph gust, but it was
protected under the cover and the winds were really strong at the target where it is usually calm. We probably had
gusts in the 35 mph range.
Senior Unlimited was taken by Bill Middlebrook who had the highest target with a 184
Junior Unlimited was taken by Darek Biggs who we were glad to see after the storms last night.
Senior Factory was taken by Ron Herring with a high target of 184.
I have attached the results for you to view. After the match several of us spent a few hours dragging buildings
& covers that were damaged back into the Range.
A BIG Reminder - July 29 at 10am is our club tournament. Paul Dyer will have a great brisket for all to share
and we'll have all the fixin's. Plan on it - pray the wind settles down and we hope to see you here!
Shoot straight and accurately - See you at the Range,
Ron Herring
