ABRA Princeton LA results 08.17.2019


New member
Short and sweet hot weather kept a lot of competitors in- side and not competing!
Even though we only had 4 competitors the competition was as hot as the weather 3 shooters in unl and 1 shooter in factory.

Robert Eaton won the match with a score of 192,192,188 for a 572!

Eddie Robertson 2nd with scores of 187,185,187 for a 559.

Mike Drummond shot a188,186,183 for a 557.

Rodney Eaton shot a169,173,179, for a521.

Hopefully next month’s match will have cooler weather bringing out more competitors it's a shame to see so many empty benches at such a wonderful shooting range If you think you have what it takes to compete l would love to see you here and join in the fun!!! Till next time aim high and shoot straight!

Robert Eaton
