ABRA Points System Rule Change


We have made some changes to the ABRA rules on how points are awarded for our matches. This will make it a more equal playing field. It does not matter if you have 2 shooters or 20 shooters the points will be evenly distributed so that it is more based on how well you did not how many shooters attended.

The new revised rules can we found on the website @ www.autobenchrestassociation.com under rules in section 20.

20. Match Points and Awarding of Points

20-1 Each Person competing in a match and completing the number of scheduled targets will be awarded 1 point.

20-2 The highest scored target in each class will receive 2 bonus points for each of the number of scheduled targets. Example: If a 3 target match; then the total bonus points awarded would be 6.
Example: Target 1 high score=191 then + 2 points are added to that shooters point total.
Target 2 high score=195 then +2 points are added to that shooters point total: Target 3 high score = 188 ten +2 points are added to that shooters point total.

20-3 For each class of shooters, with a minimum of 2 shooters in each class, First Place will receive 4 points; Second Place will receive 3 points; Third Place will receive 2 points; all other places will receive 1 point.

20-4 If, for instance, a club schedules a four target event, scores for each individual competitor are added together, divided by the number of targets scheduled for the Club on that date, and an average is established. The highest average score + the total of all points explained above is the winner of the event.

20-5 All points will be doubled for Club; State; and National Tournaments.

If you have any questions please let us know.

Thank you