ABRA Ohio Results 11 12 2017


New member
We had a great turn out for our last match in Factory Class we had 10 shooters. Temperature was hovering around 40 degrees, and it was over cast, and the last relay was under rain.
Patrick Kennedy

Congratulations to John Joseph for his 1st place win in the Factory Class shooting an aggregate of 183.00 he took high card on t-1 187 t-2 183

Doug Depweg came in 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 181.667 taking high card on t-3 182

Patrick Kennedy came in 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 178.667

Fred Moreo took 1st place in the Unlimited Class shooting an aggregate of 181.33 taking high card t-1 180, and t-3 184

Hal Davis took 2nd place shooting and aggregate of 180.667 taking high card on t-2 186

New shooter Steve Taylor took 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 171.667

Youth Shooter Seth Taylor shot an aggregate of 164 t-1 67, t-2 161, t-3 164

Great Shooting guys!


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