ABRA New Haven Ky Results 09.12.2019


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ABRA New Haven Kentucky Results 09.12.2019

Congratulations to Kyle Ashlock for his 1st place win in the ABRA Factory Class in New Haven Kentucky.

Outlaw Heavy Rick Hanh aggregate of 182.00 target total of 546

Unlimited Jill Ashlock aggregate of 173.00 target total of 519

Factory Class
1st Kyle Ashlock aggregate of 169.33 target total of 508
2nd Jerry Kendall aggregate of 169.00 target total of 507
3rd Randy Kimbrell aggregate of 116.67 target total of 350
4th Joey Kimbrell aggregate of 60.00 target total of 180

Outlaw Lite Bryan Tucker aggregate of 168.00 target total of 504

Youth Unlimited Jake Skaggs aggregate of 157.67 target total of 157.67

Great shooting everyone!

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