Abra louisiana match results 09 2017


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ABRA Louisiana Results from Sept 2017
Match was on the light side with shooters but still a good tight match. Jerry Smith come off the start with a blistering 198, which is the highest card shot this year at our club range! Jerry was off and running, Toby Self had high card in 2nd card with a195.3rd card Robert Eaton had high card with a194. Only 5 points between 1st and 3rd! Rodney Eaton won the factory class with a final score of 516. In the Clark match prior to the ABRA match Robert Eaton and Eddie Robertson tied for first place in heavy gun with a 249 Eddie broke the tie and won with 15 x's and Robert with 9 x's! In the semi auto Robert Eaton and Eddie tied for 1st place with a 244 again Eddie out did Robert with 15 x's and Robert had 9x's sometimes a fella just can't get a break! The next ABRA match will be the Louisiana State Match on Oct.21st it will be a big match with some of the best ABRA shooters in the country! We expect competitors from TX,AK, La, TN, GA, and maybe more. We hope to see you there too! There will be prizes, medals, and lunch on the grounds! Don't miss this opportunity to compete with the best around and we'll have fun too so make plans to attend! Contact Robert Eaton @318-268-0723 or @erautomotiveminden@gmail.com also contact Jerry Smith @318-518-5782 @jsquackhead aol.com Till then watch the wind and shoot straight!


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