ABRA Kentucky Results 09.08.2019


New member
Congratulations to Allen Goodloe, Joe Jarrell, and Lonnie Staton for their 1st place wins in Kentucky's ABRA Match 09.08.2019

Unlimited Class:

1st Allen Goodloe target total of 779, aggregate of 194.75 taking high card on T3-195,T4-197
2nd Steve DuVall target total of 778 aggregate of 194.50 taking high card on T1-194
3rd Ann Tucker target total of 756 aggregate of 189.00 taking high card on T2-196

Outlaw Heavy:
1st Joe Jarrell target total of 780 aggregate of 195.00 taking high card on T4-197
2nd David Buckley target total of 779 aggregate of 194.75 taking high card on T2-198 and T3-196
3rd Foster Arvin target total of 769 aggregate of 192.25 taking high card on T1-193

Outlaw Lite:
1st Lonnie Staton target total of 746 aggregate of 186.50 taking high card on T1-189, T2-189,T3-184, T4-184
2nd Thomas Murrell target total of 616 aggregate of 154.00

Factory Unopposed
Katherine Blackard target total of 647 aggregate of 161.75

Congrats again everyone!
