ABRA Kentucky Results 08.11.2019


New member
ABRA Kentucky Results 08.11.2019
Congratulations to Allen Goodloe, David Buckley, Joe Jarrell, and first time shooters Kyle Ashlock and Youth shooter Jake Skaggs.
Allen Goodloe took 1st place in the Unlimited Class shooting an aggregate of 194.50 taking high card on T1-1995,T2-195, T4-195
Steve DuVall took 2nd place with an aggregate of 192.75 taking high card on T3-195
Michael Blackard took 3rd with an aggregate of 189.75 having a tie on t4 with Allen Goodloe winning the tie breaker of a 195.
New Shooter Kyle Ashlock shot in the Factory Class unopposed with an aggregate of 163.25 his high card was a 169
David Buckley took 1st place in the Outlaw Heavy Barrel Class shooting an aggregate of 197.00 taking high card on T2-199, T4-196
Jeff Riester took 2nd place with an aggregate of 196.50 taking high card on T3-197
Don Wilson took 3rd with an aggregate of 195.75 taking high card on T1-197
Joe Jarrell took 1st place in the Outlaw Lite Barrel Class with an aggregate of 190.00 taking high card on T1-188,T2-192,T3-190,T4-190
Tim Cross took 2nd place with an aggregate of 162.25
New Youth Shooter Jake Skaggs shot in the Jr Unlimited Class, shooting an aggregate of 152.75 his high card was a 159.
Great Shooting everyone, Looking forward to seeing you at the Nationals.
