ABRA Georgia Match Results 05 21 2017


New member
Congratulations to Rick Haley for his 1st Place win in the Unlimited Class, and Harold Reynolds for hos 1st Place win in the Factory Class.

Rick shot a 195,196,194 and 192 for an agg of 194.25
Harold shot a 176,167,174, and 180 for an agg of 174.25

Jim Haley took high card on target #1 shooting a high score for the match of a 199.
(Way to shoot Jim)

Bill Seawright took 2nd place in the factory class shooting high card #1 of 176 and high card #2 of 172

There is some major competition going on with these guys.

Shelby Matoy Jr Shooter had some great scores shooting a 180,173,178, and 176 for an agg of 176.75.

Congrats to all of the shooters looks like you guys were battling it out!
