ABRA GA Results 05.20.2018


New member
Congratulations to the Haley Brothers for their 1st place wins in the Unlimited and Factory Class ABRA Match on 05/20/2018
Jim Haley ended up with a 193.25 aggregate in unlimited taking high card on t1 195, t2 193 t3 194 t4 191
Jerry Thompson took 2nd place in unlimited shooting an aggregate of 175.50
Kevin Noggle came in 3rd shooting an aggregate of 169.00
Ricky Haley took 1st place in Factory class shooting an aggregate of 185.50 taking high card on t1 188 t2 184 t3 187
Harold Reynolds took 2nd place shooting an aggregate of 181.25 and taking high card t4 184
Wade Haley took 3rd place shooting an aggregate of 176.25
Great shooting everyone looking forward to seeing the next match results
