ABRA-GA Results 02.17.19


New member
Congratulation to the Winners in the ABRA Georgia Match this past weekend.
Wade Haley in Out Law Lite Barrel aggregate of 186.00
Billy Hudson in Out Law Heavy Barrel aggregate of 195.75
Ricky Haley in Unlimited Class aggregate of 195.25
Robby King in Factory Class aggregate of 178.75
Lexie Davis in Youth Unlimited Class aggregate of 191.25
Jackson Hudson in Youth Factory Class aggregate of 182.50
Out Law Lite Barrel
Wade took 1st place taking high card on T1-186, T2-193, T3-183
Jerry Thompson took 2nd taking high card on T4-186
Out Law Heavy Barrel
Billy took 1st place taking high card on T1-198, T2-196-T3-195 T4-194
Harold Reynolds took 2nd place with aggregate of 186.25
Unlimited Class
Ricky Haley took 1st place taking high card on T2-195, T3-199, T4-196
Jim Haley took 2nd place taking high card on T1-195
Travis Davis took 3rd place with an aggregate of 189.25
Factory Class
Robby King took 1st place taking high card on T2-180, T4-182
Harold Reynolds took 2nd place taking high card on T1-183 and tied for high card on T3 -180
Justin Fortson took 3rd place for high card on T3-180
Youth Unlimited
Lexie Davis took 1st place taking high card on T1-189 and T3-195
Shelby Matoy took 2nd place taking high card on T2-191, T4-193
Youth Factory
Jackson Hudson took 1st place taking high card on T3-187
Cody King took 2nd place taking high card on T1-184, T2-186
Will Fortson took 3rd place taking high card on T4-185
