ABRA Boerne Results 06.23.2018


New member
The race was on last night, it all came down to the last card of the night between Mark Demarest, Joe Chacon and Evelio McDonald.
Joe and Mark tied for 1st place but Joe pulled out the win by shooting the overall high card of the night ending his night shooting a 197.
Evelio took 3rd place with only 2 points difference.
Joe shot a 194,194,194 and a 197 total aggregate of 194.75
Mark Demarest shot a 195,195,193 and a 196 total aggregate of 194.75
Evelio McDonald shot a 193,195,195,and a 194 for a total aggregate of 194.58
Brian Vincent ended up with a 181.00 aggregate in the Factory class shooting a 181,183,178,183
Youth Shooter Gracie Collins an aggregate of 192.25 shooting a 192,192,193,192
It was a great match and hope to see some of you that were not able to make out last night at our next match!
